If you’re alive and you know it, clap your hands.

מודה אני לפניך מלך חי וקיים שהחזרת בי נשמתי בחמלה. רבה אמונתך I thank you, living and enduring king, for You have graciously returned my soul within me. Great is your faithfulness. The above blessing is the first to be said when you wake in the morning. It’s a very clear message. We are thanking Continue reading If you’re alive and you know it, clap your hands.

Little kid, little problems. Big kids, big problems.

As a little girl, every time someone asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up I always answered the same, a Mother. At Shul, when mothers had their babies with them, I was the first to run and offer help. I loved babies. Loved them. Ian and I were married February 1st Continue reading Little kid, little problems. Big kids, big problems.